Progress Tinged with Frustration

Things that are great right now:

– my boning came in!

– the fabric looks SO BEAUTIFUL

– I sewed my boning channels more accurately/straight than I have before and they look pretty good

– I’m hand binding the lacing holes and it not only looks gorgeous and will last longer, but it is nowhere near as difficult as I thought


Things that are not great right now:

– the boning is not as stiff as I had hoped, despite being straight steel

– the bias tape I bought to do the edges is not the color I want it to be. I am attempting to dye it.

– I bent a needle, though mostly this is amusing

– sewing the bottom edge of the corset, through all that fabric, and around those tabs, was the WORST THING EVER


Notes for those of you following along at home:

– think about your binding fabrics while your thinking about your other notions. If you want the colors to all match, you have to consider it from the start.

– if you have patience, hand binding is worth it

– in general, have patience. Sewing boning channels is slow work, but if you do it carefully it is immensely rewarding.

– if you insist on having tabs, I would definitely recommend making them triangle-y shaped rather than rectangular. Seriously. I am IMMENSELY regretting the state/shape of my tabs right now.


Have some photos because this is a quick post:

channels with boning inserted; back

channels with boning inserted; front

hand-bound lacing hole and the sewn bottom edge

only one casualty on this corset! rip sewing machine needle #3

I forgot to buy a thimble and my fingers are sad,



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